Never Buy This Car Insurance

Does Auto Insurance Help If You Are a Victim of a Hit and Run Accident?

A hit and run incident occurs when one driver crashes into a person or a car and intentionally drives on in order to avoid prosecution or accountability for resulting death, injury and/or damages. Who pays for the damages, if the liable driver is not located and if the driver does not have adequate insurance coverage?

Things to Consider Before Buying Car Insurance

You just have bought this car of your dreams by putting so much of earnings, time and energy on it and thinking through all the options available to you in your range. Surely it’s going to be one of your priced possessions but what is the next thing you are going to do? Of course take your family on a ride.

All You Need to Know About Auto Insurance

What is auto insurance? It is an agreement between you and the company that defends you against any monetary loss in the happening of an accident or theft. In trade for your paying a premium, the insurance company agrees to pay your losses as summarized in your guidelines.

Winter’s Ice Factor: How to Avoid Related Car Accidents

Ask any insurance agent for the most prevalent causes of car accident claims are in the winter time and it’s likely he or she will say slippery conditions. Put the question to the drivers and they probably will list icy conditions among the top five. Certainly, winter brings with it its fair share of driving hazards. The iciness on the roadways is definitely something to be concerned about. Find the tips to keep safe while driving under icy circumstances in this article.

Why the Dependent Company’s Cheap Insurance May Not Be Cheaper

You know about the auto insurance companies that boast about their low premiums on national television, radio and social media. They really want you to internalize their messages. The real facts indicate, however, that most vehicle drivers will not get any savings with a policy switch to a direct insurance company. This is because no direct company has the wherewithal to offer any other coverage than their own. The shimmer of a cheap quote can actually be the mask covering an increased insurance deductible and less liability coverage. Read on and see how one motorist discovered this reality in time to shield him from the damaging repercussions.

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