GEICO Insurance After 1 YEAR – Worth Keeping?

Renewing Car Insurance Policies – Do’s and Don’ts

Having an adequate car insurance cover for your vehicle has become extremely imperative while driving on today’s accident-prone, high traffic roads and dealing with uncertain conditions almost every day. Car insurance cover relieves your mind of the financial tension at least, takes your mind off the continuous worry of the expense that may occur from any unintentional damage occurred. So, one must be consciously aware of the car insurance term at any given point of time lest it expires and you are caught off guard with an unwarranted situation, only to find out that your car insurance is due for…

Traffic Violations, Auto Insurance, and Your Rates

To be honest, your insurance company is not interested in punishing you if you get a traffic ticket. They are solely out for their own interests. When they see you have been convicted for a moving violation, they view that as a peril to their operations. Traffic violations demonstrate to the insurance company that you are at more risk in being a part of a car accident or collision than someone that has a clean driving record. A car accident, in insurance terms, means there will likely be a claim that they will cost them money. The insurance company balances the risk of an auto accident claim with a raised premium or added charge.

Are You Guilty When It Comes to Road Rage?

As per a national auto club, just about eighty percent of American drivers admit to angry driving tendencies at one time or other. It is particularly shocking to discover this from the report: nearly eight million vehicle operators say they demonstrated certain forms of road rage. This included ramming into another car on purpose and getting out of a vehicle to confront another driver in a menacing manner. How would you rate yourself in regard to the above?

Should You File an Auto Claim After Any Accident?

Auto accidents unfortunately can occur anytime and anywhere. Obviously, this is reason why it is important to have the right kind of protective car insurance. But sometimes, filing an auto claim is not the best thing to do. Here’s an example.

The Cost of Auto Insurance in Nova Scotia

Larger provinces like Ontario, Alberta, and Quebec are often the ones that get the most attention, as a result of their population sizes and general land mass. It’s about time someone focused on the smaller provinces, which is why InsurEye has decided to dedicate this article to Nova Scotia. There are great ways to find the best insurance rates in the smaller provinces too! It’s not always just about the big ones.

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